Psalms 72:10

     9-11. The extent of the conquests.

      They that dwell in the wilderness—the wild, untutored tribes of deserts.

      bow . . . dust—in profound submission. The remotest and wealthiest nations shall acknowledge Him (compare Ps 45:12).

Isaiah 60:5-10

     5. see— (Isa 60:4), namely, the bringing back of thy sons.

      flow together—rather, "overflow with joy" [LOWTH]; or, from a different Hebrew root, "be bright with joy" [GESENIUS] (Job 3:4).

      fear—rather, beat with the agitation of solemn joy at the marvellous sight [HORSLEY] (Jer 33:9).

      be enlargedswell with delight. Grief, on the contrary, contracts the heart.

      abundance of . . . sea—the wealth of the lands beyond the sea, as in Solomon's time, the type of the coming reign of the Prince of peace.

      converted—rather, "be turned," instead of being turned to purposes of sin and idolatry.

      forces—rather, "riches."

     6. camels—laden with merchandise; the camel is "the ship of the desert" (compare Isa 30:6).

      cover thee—so many of them shall there be.

      dromedaries—They have one hunch on the back, whereas the camel has two: distinguished for swiftness (Jer 2:23).

      Midian—east of the Elanitic branch of the Red Sea, and stretching northward along Mount Seir. Associated with the Ishmaelites in traffic (Ge 37:25, 28).

      Ephah—part of Midian, east of the Dead Sea. It abounded in camels (Jud 6:5).

      Sheba—in Arabia-Felix, famed for frankincense and gold (Ps 72:15; Jer 6:20), which they traded in (Isa 45:14; Job 6:19; Eze 27:22).

     7. Kedar— (Isa 21:16; So 1:5), in the south of Arabia-Deserta, or north of Arabia-Petræa; they traded in flocks (Eze 27:21).

      Nebaioth—son of Ishmael, as was Kedar. Father of the Nabatheans in Arabia-Petræa.

      minister—by coming up as an acceptable sacrifice.

      come up with acceptance—that is, acceptably. The rams offering themselves voluntarily (Ps 68:30; Ro 12:1; 1Pe 2:5), without waiting for any other priest, answer to believers strong in faith and lamb-like meekness; and in the white fleece-like robe of sanctity [VITRINGA].

      house of my glory—the temple (Eze 41:1-26; Hag 2:7, 9; Mal 3:1).

     8. The prophet, seeing in vision new hosts approaching quickly like a cloud of doves, asks who they are.

     9. (see on Isa 42:4).

      Tarshish first—The ships of Tartessus (see on Isa 2:16; Isa 23:1, that is, vessels that trade to the most distant regions) will be among the foremost to bring back the scattered Israelites (Isa 66:20).

      their silver—The nations among whom the Jews have been scattered shall help them with their money in returning (Isa 60:5-7, 11, 16), as was the case at the return from Babylon (Ezr 1:4; compare Ps 68:30, 31).

      unto the name . . . to the Holy One—rather, because of the name—because of the Holy One (compare Isa 55:5) [LOWTH].

     10. kings . . . minister unto thee—(See on Isa 60:7; Isa 49:23).

      in my wrath I smote thee— (Isa 54:7, 8; 57:17).

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