Psalms 72:8

     8. The foreign nations mentioned (Ps 72:9, 10) could not be included in the limits, if designed to indicate the boundaries of Solomon's kingdom. The terms, though derived from those used (Ex 23:31; De 11:24) to denote the possessions of Israel, must have a wider sense. Thus, "ends of the earth" is never used of Palestine, but always of the world (compare Margin).

Micah 4:1

     1-3. Almost identical with Isa 2:2-4.

      the mountain of the house of the Lord—which just before (Mic 3:12) had been doomed to be a wild forest height. Under Messiah, its elevation is to be not that of situation, but of moral dignity, as the seat of God's universal empire.

      people shall flow into it—In Isaiah it is "all nations": a more universal prophecy.

Zechariah 9:10

     10. (Isa 2:4; Ho 2:18; Mic 5:10).

      Ephraim . . . Jerusalem—the ten tribes, and Judah and Benjamin; both alike to be restored hereafter.

      speak peace—command it authoritatively.

      dominion . . . from sea . . . river . . . ends of . . . earth—fulfilling Ge 15:18; Ex 23:31; and Ps 72:8. "Sea . . . sea," are the Red Sea and Mediterranean. The "river" is the Euphrates. Jerusalem and the Holy Land, extended to the limits promised to Abraham, are to be the center of His future dominion; whence it will extend to the remotest parts of the earth.

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