Psalms 73:17

     17. went into the sanctuary—to enquire (compare Ex 25:22; Ps 5:7; 27:4).

Habakkuk 2:20

     20. But the Lord—JEHOVAH; in striking contrast with the idols.

      in his holy temple—"His place" (Isa 26:21); heaven (Ps 11:4; Jon 2:7; Mic 1:2). The temple at Jerusalem is a type of it, and there God is to be worshipped. He does not lie hid under gold and silver, as the idols of Babylon, but reigns in heaven and fills heaven, and thence succors His people.

      keep silence—in token of reverent submission and subjection to His judgments (Job 40:4; Ps 76:8; Zep 1:7; Zec 2:13).

Habakkuk 3:17-18

     17. Destroy the "vines" and "fig trees" of the carnal heart, and his mirth ceases. But those who when full enjoyed God in all, when emptied can enjoy all in God. They can sit down upon the heap of ruined creature comforts, and rejoice in Him as the "God of their salvation." Running in the way of His commandments, we outrun our troubles. Thus Habakkuk, beginning his prayer with trembling, ends it with a song of triumph (Job 13:15; Ps 4:7; 43:3, 5).

      labour of the olive—that is, the fruit expected from the olive.

      fail—literally, "lie," that is, disappoint the hope (Isa 58:11, Margin).

      fields—from a Hebrew root meaning "to be yellow"; as they look at harvest-time.

      meat—food, grain.

      cut off—that is, cease.

     18. yet I will rejoice—The prophet speaks in the name of his people.

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