Psalms 9:16

     16. Higgaion—means "meditation," and, combined with Selah, seems to denote a pause of unusual solemnity and emphasis (compare Ps 3:2). Though Selah occurs seventy-three times, this is the only case in which Higgaion is found. In the view which is given here of the retribution on the wicked as an instance of God's wise and holy ordering, we may well pause in adoring wonder and faith.

Proverbs 31:5

     4, 5. Stimulants enfeeble reason, pervert the heart, and do not suit rulers, who need clear and steady minds, and well-governed affections (compare Pr 20:1; 22:29).

      pervert . . . afflicted—They give unrighteous decisions against the poor.

Proverbs 31:8

     8, 9. Open . . . cause—Plead for those who cannot plead for themselves, as the orphan, stranger, &c. (compare Ps 72:12; Isa 1:17).

      appointed to destruction—who are otherwise ruined by their oppressors (compare Pr 29:14, 16).

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