Psalms 91:3

     3. snares . . . [and] . . . noisome pestilence—literally, "plagues of mischiefs" (Ps 5:9; 52:7), are expressive figures for various evils.

Proverbs 6:5

     4, 5. The danger requires promptness.

Hosea 9:8

     8. The watchman . . . was with my God—The spiritual watchmen, the true prophets, formerly consulted my God (Jer 31:6; Hab 2:1); but their so-called prophet is a snare, entrapping Israel into idolatry.

      hatred—rather, "(a cause of) apostasy" (see Ho 9:7) [MAURER].

      house of his God—that is, the state of Ephraim, as in Ho 8:1 [MAURER]. Or, "the house of his (false) god," the calves [CALVIN]. Jehovah, "my God," seems contrasted with "his God." CALVIN'S view is therefore preferable.

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