Revelation of John 10:1

     1. another mighty angel—as distinguished from the mighty angel who asked as to the former and more comprehensive book (Re 5:2), "Who is worthy to open the book?"

      clothed with a cloud—the emblem of God coming in judgment.

      a—A, B, C, and Aleph read "the"; referring to (Re 4:3) the rainbow already mentioned.

      rainbow upon his head—the emblem of covenant mercy to God's people, amidst judgments on God's foes. Resumed from Re 4:3 (see on Re 4:3).

      face as . . . the sun— (Re 1:16; 18:1).

      feet as pillars of fire— (Re 1:15; Eze 1:7). The angel, as representative of Christ, reflects His glory and bears the insignia attributed in Re 1:15, 16; 4:3, to Christ Himself. The pillar of fire by night led Israel through the wilderness, and was the symbol of God's presence.

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