Revelation of John 14:15

     15. Thrust inGreek, "Send." The angel does not command the "Son of man" (Re 14:14), but is the mere messenger announcing to the Son the will of God the Father, in whose hands are kept the times and the seasons.

      thy sickle—alluding to Mr 4:29, where also it is "sendeth the sickle." The Son sends His sickle-bearing angel to reap the righteous when fully ripe.

      harvest—the harvest crop. By the harvest-reaping the elect righteous are gathered out; by the vintage the Antichristian offenders are removed out of the earth, the scene of Christ's coming kingdom. The Son of man Himself, with a golden crown, is introduced in the harvest-gathering of the elect, a mere angel in the vintage (Re 14:18-20).

      is ripe—literally, "is dried." Ripe for glory.

Revelation of John 14:17

     17. out of the temple . . . in heaven— (Re 11:19).

Revelation of John 15:5

     5. So Re 11:19; compare Re 16:17. "The tabernacle of the testimony" appropriately here comes to view, where God's faithfulness in avenging His people with judgments on their foes is about to be set forth. We need to get a glimpse within the Holy place to "understand" the secret spring and the end of God's righteous dealings.

      behold—omitted by A, B, C, Syriac, and ANDREAS. It is supported only by Vulgate, Coptic, and PRIMASIUS, but no manuscript.

Revelation of John 16:17

     17. angel—so ANDREAS. But A, B, Vulgate, and Syriac omit it.

      into—so ANDREAS (Greek, "eis"). But A and B, "upon" (Greek, "epi").

      great—so B, Vulgate, Syriac, Coptic, and ANDREAS. But A omits.

      of heaven—so B and ANDREAS But A, Vulgate, Syriac, and Coptic omit.

      It is done—"It is come to pass." God's voice as to the final consummation, as Jesus' voice on the cross when the work of expiation was completed, "It is finished."

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