Romans 11:1

     1. I say then, Hath—"Did"

      God cast away his people? God forbid—Our Lord did indeed announce that "the kingdom of God should be taken from Israel" (Mt 21:41); and when asked by the Eleven, after His resurrection, if He would at that time "restore the kingdom to Israel," His reply is a virtual admission that Israel was in some sense already out of covenant (Ac 1:9). Yet here the apostle teaches that, in two respects, Israel was not "cast away"; First, Not totally; Second, Not finally. FIRST, Israel is not wholly cast away.

      for I also am an Israelite—See Php 3:5, and so a living witness to the contrary.

      of the seed of Abraham—of pure descent from the father of the faithful.

      of the tribe of Benjamin— (Php 3:5), that tribe which, on the revolt of the ten tribes, constituted, with Judah, the one faithful kingdom of God (1Ki 12:21), and after the captivity was, along with Judah, the kernel of the Jewish nation (Ezr 4:1; 10:9).

2 Corinthians 11:13

     13. For—reason why he is unwilling they should be thought like him [BENGEL].

      such—they and those like them.

      false apostles—those "overmuch apostles" (see on 2Co 11:5) are no apostles at all.

      deceitful workers—pretending to be "workmen" for the Lord, and really seeking their own gain.

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