Romans 12:17

     17. Recompense—"Recompensing," &c.—(See on Ro 12:14).


      things honest—"honorable"

      in the sight of all men—The idea (which is from Pr 3:4) is the care which Christians should take so to demean themselves as to command the respect of all men.

1 Peter 3:9

     9. evil—in deed.

      railing—in word.

      blessing—your revilers; participle, not a noun after "rendering."

      knowing that—The oldest manuscripts read merely, "because."

      areGreek, "were called."

      inherit a blessing—not only passive, but also active; receiving spiritual blessing from God by faith, and in your turn blessing others from love [GERHARD in ALFORD]. "It is not in order to inherit a blessing that we must bless, but because our portion is blessing." No railing can injure you (1Pe 3:13). Imitate God who "blesses" you. The first fruits of His blessing for eternity are enjoyed by the righteous even now (1Pe 3:10) [BENGEL].

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