Romans 8:19

     19-22. For, &c.—"The apostle, fired with the thought of the future glory of the saints, pours forth this splendid passage, in which he represents the whole creation groaning under its present degradation, and looking and longing for the revelation of this glory as the end and consummation of its existence" [HODGE].

      the earnest expectation—(compare Php 1:20).

      of the creature—rather, "the creation."

      waiteth for the manifestation—"is waiting for the revelation"

      of the sons of God—that is, "for the redemption of their bodies" from the grave (Ro 8:23), which will reveal their sonship, now hidden (compare Lu 20:36; Re 21:7).

Revelation of John 21:4

     4. all tearsGreek, "every tear."

      no more deathGreek, "death shall be no more." Therefore it is not the millennium, for in the latter there is death (Isa 65:20; 1Co 15:26, 54, "the last enemy . . . destroyed is death," Re 20:14, after the millennium).

      sorrowGreek, "mourning."

      passed awayGreek, "departed," as in Re 21:1.

Revelation of John 22:3

     3. no more curse—of which the earnest shall be given in the millennium (Zec 14:11). God can only dwell where the curse and its cause, the cursed thing sin (Jos 7:12), are removed. So there follows rightly, "But the throne of God and of the Lamb (who redeemed us from the curse, Ga 3:10, 13) shall be in it." Compare in the millennium, Eze 48:35.

      serve him—with worship (Re 7:15).

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