Amos 9:7-15

7 “Are you not as the sons of aEthiopia to Me,
You sons of Israel?” declares the Lord.
“Have I not brought up Israel from the land of Egypt,
And the bPhilistines from Caphtor and the cArameans from dKir?

8 “Behold, the eeyes of the Lord God are on the sinful kingdom,
And I will feliminate it from the face of the earth;
Nevertheless, I will gnot totally eliminate the house of Jacob,”
Declares the Lord.

9 “For behold, I am commanding,
And I will hshake the house of Israel among all nations
As grain is shaken in a sieve,
But not a pebble will fall to the ground.

10 “All the isinners of My people will die by the sword,
Those who say, ‘ jThe catastrophe will not overtake or confront us.’

The Restoration of Israel

11 “On that day I will kraise up the fallen
Heb sukkah; i.e., hut or dwelling
mshelter of David,
And wall up its ngaps;
I will also raise up its ruins
And rebuild it as in the odays of old;

12 pSo that they may
Or take possession of
possess the remnant of rEdom
And all the
Or Gentiles
nations who are tcalled by My name,”
Declares the Lord who does this.

13 “Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord,
“When the uplowman will overtake the reaper,
And the one who treads grapes will overtake him who sows the seed;
When the vmountains will drip grape juice,
And all the hills will come apart.

14 “I will also wrestore the fortunes of My people Israel,
And they will xrebuild the desolated cities and live in them;
They will also yplant vineyards and drink their wine,
And make gardens and eat their fruit.

15 “I will also plant them on their land,
And zthey will not be uprooted again from their land
Which I have given them,”
Says the Lord your God.
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