Ezekiel 31

Pharaoh Warned of Assyria’s Fate

1 In the aeleventh year, in the third month, on the first of the month, the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 2“Son of man, say to Pharaoh king of Egypt and to his bhordes,
Whom are you like in your greatness?

3 ‘Behold, Assyria was a ccedar in Lebanon
With beautiful branches and forest shade,
Lit high of stature
every high,
And its top was among the
As in LXX; MT thick boughs

4 ‘The gwaters made it grow, the
I.e., subterranean waters
deep made it high.
With its rivers it continually
Lit was going
extended all around its planting place,
And sent out its channels to all the trees of the field.

5 ‘Therefore jits height was loftier than all the trees of the field
And its boughs became many and its branches long
Because of kmany waters
Lit in its sending forth
as it spread them out.

6 ‘All the mbirds of the sky nested in its twigs,
And under its branches all the animals of the field gave birth,
And all great nations lived under its shade.

7 ‘So it was beautiful in its greatness, in the length of its branches;
For its
Lit root was
roots extended to many waters.

8 ‘The ocedars in pGod’s garden
Lit did
could not match it;
The junipers
Lit did
could not compare with its branches,
And the plane trees
Lit were not like
could not match its branches.
No tree in tGod’s garden
Lit did
could compare with it in its beauty.

9 ‘I made it beautiful with the multitude of its branches,
And all the trees of vEden, which were in the wgarden of God, were jealous of it.

10 ‘Therefore this is what the Lord
Heb YHWH, usually rendered Lord, and so throughout the ch
God says: “Because
As in Syriac; MT you are
it is tall in stature and has put its top among the
As in LXX; MT thick branches
clouds, and its aaheart is haughty in its loftiness,
11I will hand it over to a
Or mighty one
acruler of the nations; he will thoroughly deal with it. In accordance with its wickedness I have addriven it out.
12 aeForeign aftyrants of the nations have cut it down and left it; on the agmountains and in all the valleys its branches have fallen, and its branches have been broken in all the ravines of the land. And all the peoples of the earth have ahgone down from its shade and left it. 13All the aibirds of the sky will nest on its fallen trunk, and all the animals of the field will
Lit be on
rest on its fallen branches,
14so that all the trees by the waters will not be exalted in their stature, nor put their tops among the
As in LXX; MT thick branches
clouds, nor will any of their
Lit drinkers of water
well-watered mighty ones stand straight in their height. For they have all been turned over to death, to the amearth beneath, among
Lit sons of mankind
Lit to
with those who go down to the pit.”

15 ‘This is what the Lord God says: “On the day when it went down to Sheol I apcaused mourning; I closed the
I.e., subterranean waters
deep over it and held back its rivers. And its many waters were stopped up, and I made Lebanon mourn for it, and all the trees of the field wilted away on account of it.
16I made the nations arquake from the sound of its fall when I made it asgo down to Sheol with those who go down to the pit; and all the
Lit drinkers of water
well-watered trees of Eden, the choicest and best of auLebanon, were avcomforted in the earth beneath.
17They also awwent down with it to Sheol to those who were axslain by the sword; and those who were its
Lit arm
strength lived azin its shade among the nations.

18 “To which among the trees of Eden are you so alike in glory and greatness? Yet you will be brought down with the trees of Eden to the earth beneath; you will lie in the midst of the bauncircumcised with those who were killed by the sword. bbThis is Pharaoh and all his hordes!”’ declares the Lord God.”
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