Ezekiel 41

The Inner Temple

1 Then he abrought me to the bsanctuary, and he measured the cside pillars: six
Each of these cubits equals about 21 in. or 53 cm
cubits wide on each side was the width of the
As in LXX; MT tent
side pillar.
2The width of the entrance was ten cubits and the
Lit shoulders
sides of the entrance were five cubits on each side. He also measured
Lit its length,
the length of the sanctuary, hforty cubits, and the width, itwenty cubits.
3Then he went
I.e., of the inner sanctuary
kinside and measured each lside pillar of the doorway, two cubits, and the doorway, six cubits high; and the width of the doorway, seven cubits.
4And he measured its length, mtwenty cubits, and the width, twenty cubits, before the nsanctuary; and he said to me, “This is the oMost Holy Place.”

5 Then he measured the wall of the
Lit house, and so throughout the ch
temple, six cubits; and the width of the qside chambers, four cubits, all around the house on every side.
6 rThe side chambers were in three stories,
Lit chamber upon chamber
one above another, and
Lit thirty times
thirty in each story; and
Lit they were coming
the side chambers vextended to the wall which stood on
Lit the inside of the side chambers
their inward side all around, so that they could be attached, but not be attached to the wall of the temple itself.
7And the side chambers surrounding the temple were wider at each successive story. Because the xstructure surrounding the temple went upward by stages on all sides of the temple, for that reason the width of the temple increased as it went higher; and so one went up from the lowest story to the highest by way of the
Lit middle
second story.
8I saw also that the house had a raised
Lit height
platform all around; the foundations of the side chambers were a full
Lit reed
rod of absix
Or to the joint
long cubits in height.
Lit width
thickness of the outer wall of the side chambers was five cubits. But the aefree space between the side chambers belonging to the temple
10and the outer afchambers was twenty cubits in width around the temple on every side. 11The
Lit doorway
doorways of the side
Lit chamber
chambers toward the aifree space consisted of one doorway toward the north, and another doorway toward the south; and the width of the ajfree space was five cubits all around.

12 The akbuilding that was in front of the alseparate area at the side toward the west was seventy cubits wide; and the wall of the building was five cubits
Lit wide
thick all around, and its length was ninety cubits.

13 Then he measured the temple, a anhundred cubits long; the aoseparate area with the apbuilding and its walls were also a aqhundred cubits long. 14Also the width of the front of the temple and that of the separate
Lit area
areas along the east side totaled a hundred cubits.

15 And he measured the length of the asbuilding
Lit to
along the front of the auseparate area behind it, with a
Or passageway
awgallery on each side, a hundred cubits; he also measured the inner sanctuary and the porches of the courtyard.
16The axthresholds, the
Or framed
azlatticed windows, and the
Or passageways
bbgalleries all around their bcthree stories, opposite the threshold, were bdpaneled with wood all around, and from the ground to the windows (but the windows were covered),
17over the entrance, and to the inner house, and on the outside, and on all the wall all around inside and outside, by measurement. 18It was
Lit made
carved with bfcherubim and bgpalm trees; and a palm tree was between cherub and cherub, and every cherub had two faces:
19a bhhuman face toward the palm tree on one side and a young bilion’s face toward the palm tree on the other side; they were
Lit made
carved on all the house all around.
20From the ground to above the entrance bkcherubim and blpalm trees were
Lit made
carved, as well as on the wall of the sanctuary.

21 The bndoorposts of the bosanctuary were square; as for the front of the inner
Lit holy place
sanctuary, the appearance of one doorpost was like that of the other.
22The bqaltar was of wood, three cubits high, and its length two cubits; its corners, its
Lit length
base, and its
Lit walls
sides were of wood. And he said to me, “This is the bttable that is before the Lord.”
23The busanctuary and the inner
Lit holy place
bwsanctuary each had a double bxdoor.
24Each of the doors had two leaves, two
Or turning
bzswinging leaves; two leaves for one door and two leaves for the other.
25Also there were
Lit made
carved on them, on the doors of the main room, cbcherubim and ccpalm trees like those
Lit made
carved on the walls; and there was a
Or canopy of wood over
cfthreshold of wood on the front of the porch outside.
26And there were
Or framed
chlatticed windows and cipalm trees on one side and on the other, on the sides of the cjporch; the same were on the ckside chambers of the house and the
Or canopies
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