Isaiah 30:1-7

Judah Warned against Egyptian Alliance

1 “Woe to the arebellious children,” declares the Lord,
“Who bexecute a plan, but not Mine,
Lit pour out a drink offering
dmake an alliance, but not of My Spirit,
In order to add sin to sin;

2 Who eproceed down to Egypt
Without fconsulting
Lit My mouth
hTo take refuge in the safety of Pharaoh,
And to seek shelter in the shadow of Egypt!

3 “Therefore the safety of Pharaoh will be iyour shame,
And the shelter in the shadow of Egypt, your humiliation.

4 “For jtheir officials are at Zoan
And their ambassadors arrive at Hanes.

5 “Everyone will be kashamed because of a people who do not benefit them,
Who are lnot a help or benefit, but a source of shame and also disgrace.”

6 The pronouncement concerning the manimals of the nNegev:
Through a land of odistress and anguish,
Lit them
where come lioness and lion, viper and qflying serpent,
They rcarry their riches on the
Lit shoulders
backs of young donkeys,
And their treasures on tcamels’ humps,
To a people who will not benefit them;

7 Even Egypt, whose uhelp is vain and empty.
Therefore, I have called
Lit this one
MT They are Rahab or arrogance, to remain; i.e., Egypt, as a sea monster; see note Job 26:12
xRahab who has been exterminated.”
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