Job 10

Job Despairs of God’s Dealings

Lit My soul loathes
bI am disgusted with my own life;
I will express cmy complaint freely;
I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.

2 “I will say to God, ‘ dDo not condemn me;
Let me know why You contend with me.

3 ‘Is it
Lit good
right for You indeed to foppress,
To reject gthe work of Your hands,
Lit You shine forth
to look favorably on ithe plan of the wicked?

4 ‘Do You have eyes of flesh?
Or do You jsee as mankind sees?

5 ‘Are Your days like the days of a mortal,
Or kYour years like a man’s year,

6 That lYou should search for my guilt
And carefully seek my sin?

7 ‘According to Your knowledge mI am indeed not guilty,
Yet there is nno one to save me from Your hand.

8oYour hands fashioned and made me
Lit together round about
qYet would You destroy me?

9 ‘Remember that You have made me as rclay;
Yet would You sturn me into dust again?

10 ‘Did You not pour me out like milk,
And curdle me like cheese,

11 Clothe me with skin and flesh,
And intertwine me with bones and tendons?

12 ‘You have tgranted me life and
See Job 1:1-2
And Your care has guarded my spirit.

13 ‘Yet You have concealed vthese things in Your heart;
I know that this is within You:

14 If I have sinned, You will wtake note of me,
And xwill not acquit me of my guilt.

15 ‘If yI am wicked, woe to me!
But if zI am righteous, I dare not lift up my head.
I am full of shame, and
Lit see
conscious of my misery.

16 ‘And should my head be high, abYou would hunt me like a lion;
And You would show Your acpower against me again.

17 ‘You renew adYour witnesses against me
And increase Your anger toward me;
Lit Changes and warfare are with me
afHardship after hardship is with me.

18agWhy then did You bring me out of the womb?
If only I had died and no eye had seen me!

19 ‘I should have been as though I had not been,
Brought from womb to tomb.’

20 “Would He not leave ahmy few days alone?
Lit Put
ajWithdraw from me so that I may have a little cheerfulness

21 Before I go-- akand I shall not return--
alTo the land of darkness and amdeep shadow,

22 The land of utter gloom like darkness itself,
Of deep shadow without order,
And it shines like darkness.”
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