Job 11

Zophar Rebukes Job

1 Then Zophar the Naamathite responded,
2 “Shall a multitude of words go unanswered,
And a atalkative man be acquitted?

3 “Shall your boasts silence people?
And will you bscoff, and no one rebuke?

4 “For cyou have said, ‘My teaching is pure,
And dI am innocent in your eyes.’

5 “But if only God would speak,
And open His lips against you,

6 And show you the secrets of wisdom!
For sound wisdom
Lit is double
fhas two sides.
Know then that God
Lit causes to be forgotten for you
forgets part of hyour guilt.

7iCan you discover the depths of God?
Can you discover the limits of the Almighty?

8They are as jhigh as
Lit the heights of heaven
the heavens; what can you do?
Deeper than
I.e., the netherworld
mSheol; what can you know?

9 “Its measurement is longer than the earth
And broader than the sea.

10 “If He passes by or apprehends people,
Or calls an assembly, nwho can restrain Him?

11 “For oHe knows false people,
And He psees injustice
Or and does not investigate
without investigating.

Lit A hollow man
sAn idiot will become intelligent
When a twild donkey is born a human.

13uIf you would vdirect your heart rightly
And wspread out your hands to Him,

14 If wrongdoing is in your hand, xput it far away,
And do not let malice dwell in your tents;

15 Then, indeed, you could ylift up your face without moral blemish,
And you would be firmly established and znot fear.

16 “For you would aaforget your trouble;
Like abwaters that have passed by, you would remember it.

17 “Your
Lit lifespan
life would
Lit rise above noonday
be aebrighter than noonday;
Darkness would be like the morning.

18 “Then you would trust, because there is hope;
And you would look around and rest securely.

19 “You would aflie down and none would disturb you,
And many would
Lit soften your face
ahflatter you.

20 “But the aieyes of the wicked will fail,
Lit escape has perished from them
there will akbe no escape for them;
And their alhope is
Lit the expiring of the soul
anto breathe their last.”
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