Job 17

Job Says He Has Become a Proverb

1 “My spirit is broken, my days are extinguished,
Lit graves are
bgrave is ready for me.

2cMockers are certainly with me,
And my eye
Lit dwells
gazes on their provocation.

3 “Make a pledge efor me with Yourself;
Who is there that will
Lit strike hands with me
be my guarantor?

4 “For You have
Lit hidden
hkept their hearts away from understanding;
Therefore You will not exalt them.

5 “He who iinforms against friends for a share of the spoils,
The jeyes of his children also will perish.

6 “But He has made me a kproverb among the people,
And I am
Lit a spitting to the faces
one at whom people mspit.

7 “My eye has also become ninexpressive because of grief,
And all my obody parts are like a shadow.

8 “The upright will be appalled at this,
And the pinnocent will stir himself up against the godless.

9 “Nevertheless qthe righteous will hold to his way,
And rthe one who has clean hands will grow stronger and stronger.

10 “But come again all of
As in some mss and ancient versions; MT them
you now,
For I tdo not find a wise man among you.

11 “My udays are past, my plans are torn apart,
The wishes of my heart.

12 “They make night into day, saying,
‘The light is near,’ in the presence of darkness.

13 “If I hope for
I.e., the netherworld
wSheol as my home,
Lit spread out
make my bed in the darkness;

14 If I call to the ygrave, ‘You are my father’;
To the zmaggot, ‘my mother and my sister’;

15 Where then is aamy hope?
And who looks at my hope?

As in LXX; Heb possibly Let my limbs sink down to Sheol, since there is rest in the dust for all.
Will it go down with me to Sheol?
Shall we together acgo down into the dust?”
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