Job 19

Job Feels Insulted

1 Then Job responded,
2 “How long will you torment
Lit my soul
And crush me with words?

3 “These ten times you have insulted me;
You are not ashamed to wrong me.

4 “Even if I have truly done wrong,
My error stays with me.

5 “If indeed you bexalt yourselves against me
And prove my disgrace to me,

6 Know then that cGod has wronged me
And has surrounded me with dHis net.

Everything Is Against Him

7 “Behold, eI cry, ‘Violence!’ but I get no answer;
I shout for help, but there is no justice.

8 “He has fblocked my way so that I cannot pass,
And He has put gdarkness on my paths.

9 “He has hstripped my honor from me
And removed the icrown from my head.

10 “He jbreaks me down on every side, and I am gone;
And He has uprooted my khope llike a tree.

11 “He has also mkindled His anger against me
And nconsidered me as His enemy.

12 “His otroops come together
And pbuild up their
I.e., siege ramp
way against me
And camp around my tent.

13 “He has rremoved my brothers far from me,
And my sacquaintances have completely turned away from me.

14 “My relatives have failed,
And my tclose friends have forgotten me.

15 “Those who live in my house and my servant women consider me a stranger.
I am a foreigner in their sight.

16 “I call to my servant, but he does not answer;
I have to implore his favor with my mouth.

17 “My breath is offensive to my wife,
And I am loathsome to my own brothers.

18 “Even young children despise me;
I stand up and they speak against me.

19 “All
Lit the men of my council
my vassociates loathe me,
And those I love have turned against me.

20 “My wbone clings to my skin and my flesh,
And I have escaped only by the skin of my teeth.

21 “Pity me, pity me, you friends of mine,
For the xhand of God has struck me.

22 “Why do you ypersecute me as God does,
And are not satisfied with my flesh?

Job Says My Redeemer Lives

23 “Oh that my words were written!
Oh that they were zrecorded in a book!

24 “That with an iron stylus and lead
They were engraved in the rock forever!

25 “Yet as for me, I know that aamy Redeemer lives,
And at the last, He will take His stand on the
Lit dust

26 “Even after my skin
Lit which they have cut off
is destroyed,
Yet from my flesh I will adsee God,

27 Whom I, on my part, shall behold for myself,
And whom my eyes will see, and not another.
Lit kidneys
heart affaints
Lit in my loins
within me!

28 “If you say, ‘How shall we ahpersecute him?’
And ‘
Or the root of the matter is found in him
What pretext for a case against him can we find?’

29Then be afraid of ajthe sword for yourselves,
For wrath brings the punishment of the sword,
So that you may know akthere is judgment.”
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