Job 40

Job Says What Can I Say?

1 Then the Lord said to Job,
2 “Will the faultfinder acontend with the Almighty?
Let him who brebukes God
Lit answer it
give an answer.”

3 Then Job answered the Lord and said,
4 “Behold, I am insignificant; what can I say in response to You?
I dput my hand on my mouth.

5 “I have spoken once, and eI will not reply;
Or twice, and I will add nothing more.

God Questions Job

6 Then the fLord answered Job from the whirlwind and said,
7 “Now
I.e., as if for battle
htighten the belt on your waist like a man;
I will iask you, and you instruct Me.

8 “Will you really jnullify My judgment?
Will you kcondemn Me lso that you may be justified?

9 “Or do you have an arm like God,
And can you mthunder with a voice like His?

10nAdorn yourself with pride and dignity,
And clothe yourself with honor and majesty.

11 “Let out your ooutbursts of anger,
And look at everyone who is parrogant, and humble him.

12 “Look at everyone who is arrogant, and qhumble him,
And rtrample down the wicked
Lit under them
where they stand.

13tHide them together in the dust;
Lit their faces
them in the hidden place.

14 “Then I will also
Or praise you
confess to you,
That your own right hand can save you.

God’s Power Shown in Creatures

15 “Behold,
I.e., a powerful animal, possibly a hippopotamus
Behemoth, which xI made
Lit with you
as well as you;
He eats grass like an ox.

16 “Behold, his strength in his waist,
And his power in the muscles of his belly.

17 “He hangs his tail like a cedar;
The tendons of his thighs are knit together.

18 “His bones are tubes of bronze;
Lit bones
limbs are like bars of iron.

19 “He is the aafirst of the ways of God;
Let his abMaker bring His sword near.

20 “Indeed the
I.e., the mountain streams
mountains adbring him food,
And all the animals of the field aeplay there.

21 “He lies down under the lotus plants,
In the hiding place of the reeds and the marsh.

22 “The lotus plants cover him with
Lit his shade
The willows of the brook surround him.

23 “If a river
Or oppresses
rages, he is not alarmed;
He is confident, though the ahJordan rushes to his mouth.

24 “Can anyone capture him
Lit in his eyes
when he is on watch,
Can anyone pierce his nose with barbs?
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