Job 5

God Is Just

1 “Call now, is there anyone who will answer you?
And to which of the aholy ones will you turn?

2 “For birritation kills the fool,
And jealousy brings death to the simple.

3 “I have seen the cfool taking root,
And I dcursed his home immediately.

4 “His esons are far from safety,
They are also
Lit crushed
oppressed at the gate,
And there is no one to save them.

Lit Whose harvest the hungry devour
The hungry devour his harvest
And take it to a place of thorns,
And the
Ancient versions thirsty
ischemer is eager for their wealth.

6 “For jdisaster does not come from the dust,
Nor does trouble sprout from the ground,

7 For kman is born for trouble,
As sparks fly upward.

8 “But as for me, I would lseek God,
And I would make my plea before God,

9 Who mdoes great and unsearchable things,
Or Miracles
Wonders without number.

10 “He ogives rain on the earth,
And sends water on the fields,

11 So that pHe sets on high those who are lowly,
And those who mourn are lifted to safety.

12 “He qfrustrates the schemes of the shrewd,
So that their hands cannot attain success.

13 “He rcaptures the wise by their own cleverness,
And the advice of the cunning is quickly thwarted.

14 “By day they smeet with darkness,
And grope at noon as in the night.

15 “But He saves from tthe sword of their mouth,
And uthe poor from the hand of the strong.

16 “So the helpless has hope,
And vinjustice has shut its mouth.

17 “Behold, whappy is the person whom God disciplines,
So do not reject the xdiscipline of
Heb Shaddai, and so throughout ch 6
the Almighty.

18 “For zHe inflicts pain, and
Lit binds
gives relief;
He wounds, but His hands also heal.

19 “In six troubles abHe will save you;
Even in seven, acevil will not touch you.

20 “In adfamine He will redeem you from death,
And aein war, from the power of the sword.

21 “You will be afhidden
Lit at
from the scourge of the tongue,
ahAnd you will not be afraid of violence when it comes.

22 “You will ailaugh at violence and hunger,
ajAnd you will not be afraid of
Lit animals of the earth
wild animals.

23 “For you will be in league with the stones of the field,
And althe animals of the field will be at peace with you.

24 “You will know that your amtent is secure,
For you will visit your home and
Lit not miss
have nothing missing.

25 “You will also know that your
Lit seed
apdescendants will be many,
And aqyour offspring as the grass of the earth.

26 “You will arcome to the grave at a ripe age,
Like the stacking of grain in its season.

27 “Behold this; we have investigated it, and so it is.
Hear it, and know for yourself.”
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