Joshua 23

Joshua’s Farewell Address

1 Now it came about after many days, when the Lord had given arest to Israel from all their enemies on every side, and Joshua was old, advanced in years, 2that bJoshua called for all Israel, for their elders, their heads, their judges, and their officers, and said to them, “I am old, advanced in years. 3And you have seen all that the Lord your God has done to all these nations because of you, for cthe Lord your God is He who has been fighting for you. 4See, dI have apportioned to you these nations which remain as an inheritance for your tribes, with all the nations which I have eliminated, from the Jordan even to the Great Sea toward the
Lit sunset
5And the Lord your God, He will thrust them away from you and
Or dispossess
gdrive them from you; and hyou will take possession of their land, just as the Lord your God
Lit spoke to
promised you.
6 jBe very determined, then, to keep and do everything that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, so that you will not turn aside from it to the right or to the left, 7so that you will not
Lit come among
associate with these nations, these which remain with you, or lmention the name of their gods, or mmake anyone swear by them, or nserve them, or bow down to them.
8But you are to cling to the Lord your God, as you have done to this day. 9 oFor the Lord has
Or dispossessed
driven out great and mighty nations from before you; and as for you, qno one has stood against you to this day.
10 rOne of your men puts to flight a thousand, for the Lord your God is sHe who fights for you, just as He
Lit spoke to
promised you.
11So take great care for yourselves that you love the Lord your God. 12For if you ever go back and ucling to the rest of these nations, these which remain with you, and vintermarry with them, so that you
Lit come among
associate with them and they with you,
13know with certainty that the Lord your God will not continue to
Or dispossess
drive these nations out from before you; but they will be a ysnare and a trap to you, and a whip on your sides and thorns in your eyes, until you perish from this good land which the Lord your God has given you.

14 “Now behold, today zI am going the way of all the earth, and you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that aanot one word of all the good words which the Lord your God spoke concerning you has failed; they all have
Lit come
been fulfilled for you, not
Lit one word
one of them has failed.
15But it will come about that just as all the good words which the Lord your God spoke to you have come upon you, so adthe Lord will bring upon you
Lit every bad word
all the warnings, until He has eliminated you from this good land which the Lord your God has given you.
16 afWhen you violate the covenant of the Lord your God, which He commanded you, and you go and serve other gods and bow down to them, then the anger of the Lord will burn against you, and you will perish quickly from the good land which He has given you.”
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