Luke 17


1 Now He said to His disciples, aIt is inevitable that
Or temptations to sin
stumbling blocks come, but woe to one through whom they come!
2 cIt is better for him if a millstone is hung around his neck and he
Lit has been thrown (intensive)
is thrown into the sea, than that he may cause one of these little ones to
Or stumble
Lit Take heed for yourselves
Be on your guard! gIf your brother sins, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him.
4 And if he sins against you hseven times a day, and returns to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you shall forgive him.”

5 iThe apostles said to jthe Lord, “Increase our faith!” 6But kthe Lord said, If you
Lit have
had faith
Lit like
the size of na mustard seed, you could say to this omulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and be planted in the sea’; and it would
Lit have obeyed
obey you.

7 “Now which of you, having a slave plowing or tending sheep, will say to him after he comes in from the field, ‘Come immediately and recline at the table to eat’? 8 On the contrary, will he not say to him, ‘ qPrepare something for me to eat, and properly
Lit belt up
clothe yourself and serve me while I eat and drink; and
Lit after these things
afterward you
Lit will
may eat and drink’?
9 He does not thank the slave because he did the things which were commanded, does he? 10 So you too, when you do all the things which were commanded you, say, ‘We are
I.e., possibly unworthy of praise
unworthy slaves; we have done only that which we ought to have done.’”

Ten Men with Leprosy Healed

11 While He was von the way to Jerusalem, wHe was passing
Lit through the middle of
between Samaria and Galilee.
12And as He entered a village, ten men with leprosy who ystood at a distance met Him; 13and they raised their voices, saying, “Jesus, zMaster, have mercy on us!” 14When He saw them, He said to them, aaGo and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they were going, they were cleansed. 15Now one of them, when he saw that he had been healed, turned back, abglorifying God with a loud voice, 16and he fell on his face at His feet, giving thanks to Him. And he was a acSamaritan. 17But Jesus responded and said, “Were there not ten cleansed? But the nine --where are they? 18
Lit Were they not found who
Was no one found who returned to aegive glory to God, except this foreigner?”
19And He said to him, Stand up and go; afyour faith has
Or saved you
made you well.”

Second Coming Foretold

20 Now He was questioned by the Pharisees ahas to when the kingdom of God was coming, and He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God is not coming with
Lit observation
ajsigns that can be observed;
21 nor will akthey say, ‘Look, here it is!or, ‘There it is!’ For behold, the kingdom of God is
Or among you
in your midst.”

22 And He said to the disciples, amThe days will come when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see it. 23 anAnd they will say to you, ‘Look there,’ or, ‘Look here!’ Do not leave, and do not run after them. 24 aoFor just like the lightning, when it flashes out of one part
Lit under heaven; i.e., the lowest heaven, the sky
of the sky, shines to the other part
Lit under heaven; i.e., the lowest heaven, the sky
of the sky, so will the Son of Man be in His day.
25 arBut first He must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation. 26 asAnd just as it happened atin the days of Noah, so will it also be in the days of the Son of Man: 27 people were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, and they were being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. 28
Lit In the same way as
It was the same as happened in avthe days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, and they were building;
29 but on the day that Lot left Sodom, it rained fire and
I.e., burning sulfur
brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.
30 It will be
Lit according to the same things
just the same on the day that the Son of Man ayis revealed.
31 On that day, the one who will be azon the
Housetops were flat living areas
Lit and his
with his goods in the house, must not go down to take them out; and likewise the one in the field must not turn back.
32 bcRemember Lot’s wife. 33 bdWhoever strives to
Or secure
save his
Or soul
life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will keep it.
34 I tell you, on that night there will be two in one bed; one will be taken and the other will be left. 35 bgThere will be two women grinding at the same place; one will be taken and the other will be left. 36[
Early mss do not contain this v
biTwo men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other will be left.”
37And responding, they *said to Him, “Where, Lord?” And He said to them, bjWhere the body is, there also the
Or eagles
vultures will be gathered.”
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