Numbers 2:3-9

3Now those who camp on the east side toward the sunrise shall be of the flag of the camp of Judah, by their armies; and the leader of the sons of Judah: aNahshon the son of Amminadab, 4and his army, their
Lit mustered, and so throughout the ch
numbered men: 74,600.
5Those who camp next to him shall be the tribe of Issachar; and the leader of the sons of Issachar: cNethanel the son of Zuar, 6and his army, their numbered men: 54,400. 7Then follows the tribe of Zebulun; and the leader of the sons of Zebulun: dEliab the son of Helon, 8and his army, his numbered men: 57,400. 9The total of the numbered men of the camp of Judah: 186,400, by their armies. eThey shall set out first.
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