Proverbs 28

Warnings and Instructions

1 The wicked aflee when no one is pursuing,
But the righteous are
Lit confident
bold as a lion.

2 Due to a
Or rebellion
wrongdoing of
I.e., the people of a land
a land its leaders are emany,
But fby a person of understanding and knowledge, so it endures.

3 A gpoor man who oppresses the helpless
Is like a driving rain
Lit and there is no bread
which leaves no food.

4 Those who abandon the Law ipraise the wicked,
But those who keep the Law jstrive against them.

5 Evil people kdo not understand justice,
But those who seek the Lord lunderstand everything.

6 mBetter is a poor person who walks in his integrity,
Than a person who is
Lit perverse of two ways
crooked, though he is rich.

7 He who keeps the Law is a discerning son,
But he who is a companion of ogluttons humiliates his father.

8 One who increases his wealth by
Possibly interest on money and food loans
qinterest of any kind,
Collects it rfor one who is gracious to the poor.

9 One who turns his ear away from listening to the Law,
Even his sprayer is an abomination.

10 One who leads the upright astray in an evil way
Will thimself fall into his own pit,
But the ublameless will inherit good.

11 The rich person is vwise in his own eyes,
But the poor who has understanding
Lit examines him
sees through him.

12 When the xrighteous triumph, there is great glory,
But ywhen the wicked rise, people
Lit will be searched for
hide themselves.

13 One who aaconceals his wrongdoings will not prosper,
But one who abconfesses and abandons them will find compassion.

14 How blessed is the person who acfears always,
But one who adhardens his heart will fall into disaster.

15 Like a aeroaring lion and a rushing bear
Is a afwicked ruler over a poor people.

16 A agleader who is a great oppressor lacks understanding,
But a person who hates unjust gain will prolong his days.

17 A person who is ahburdened with the guilt of human blood
Lit flee to the pit
be a fugitive until death; no one is to support him!

18 One who walks blamelessly will receive help,
But one who is
Lit perverse of two ways
akcrooked will fall all at once.

19 alOne who works his land will amhave plenty of food,
But one who follows empty pursuits will have plenty of poverty.

20 A anfaithful person will abound with blessings,
But one who aohurries to be rich will not go unpunished.

21 To
Lit regard the face
aqshow partiality is not good,
arBecause for a piece of bread a man will do wrong.

22 A person with an asevil eye athurries after wealth
And does not know that poverty will come upon him.

23 One who aurebukes a person will afterward find more favor
Than one who avflatters with the tongue.

24 He who awrobs his father or his mother
And says, “There is no wrong done,”
Is the axcompanion of a person who destroys.

25 An
Lit broad soul
arrogant person azstirs up strife,
But one who batrusts in the Lord bbwill
Lit be made fat

26 One who bdtrusts in his own heart is a fool,
But one who walks wisely will flee to safety.

27 One who begives to the poor will never lack anything,
But one who
Lit hides
shuts his eyes will have many curses.

28 When the wicked rise, people hide themselves;
But when they perish, the righteous increase.
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