Psalms 120

Prayer for Rescue from the Treacherous.

A Song of
Ex 34:24; 1 Kin 12:27

1 bI cried to the Lord in my trouble,
And He answered me.

2 Rescue my soul, Lord, from clying lips,
From a ddeceitful tongue.

3 What will He give to you, and what more will He do to you,
You edeceitful tongue?

4 fSharp arrows of the warrior,
With the burning gcoals of the broom tree!

5 Woe to me, for I reside in hMeshech,
For I have settled among the itents of jKedar!

6 Too long has my soul had its dwelling
With those who khate peace.

7 I lam for peace, but when I speak,
They are mfor war.
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