Psalms 140

Prayer for Protection against the Wicked.

For the music director. A Psalm of David.

1 aRescue me, Lord, from evil people;
Protect me from bviolent men

2 Who cdevise evil things in their hearts;
They dcontinually stir up wars.

3 They esharpen their tongues like a snake;
fThe venom of a viper is under their lips. Selah

4 gKeep me, Lord, from the hands of the wicked;
hProtect me from violent men
Or devise
intend to
Lit push
ktrip up my feet.

5 The proud have lhidden a trap for me, and snares;
They have spread a mnet at the
Lit track
They have set osnares for me. Selah

6 I psaid to the Lord, “You are my God;
qListen, Lord, to the rsound of my pleadings.

Heb YHWH, usually rendered Lord
God the Lord, tthe strength of my salvation,
You have ucovered my head on the day of
Lit weapons

8 “Do not grant, Lord, the wdesires of the wicked;
Do not bring about xhis evil planning, so that they are not exalted. Selah

9 “As for the head of those who surround me,
May the yharm of their lips cover them.

10 “May zburning coals fall upon them;
May they be aacast into the fire,
Into bottomless pits from which they abcannot rise.

11 “May a
Lit man of tongue
slanderer not endure on the earth;
adMay evil hunt a violent person
Lit blow upon blow

12 I know that the Lord will afmaintain the cause of the afflicted,
And agjustice for the poor.

13 Certainly the ahrighteous will give thanks to Your name;
The aiupright will dwell in Your presence.
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