Psalms 148

The Whole Creation Invoked to Praise the Lord.

Or Hallelujah!
Heb Yah
the Lord!
Praise the Lord cfrom the heavens;
Praise Him din the heights!

2 Praise Him, eall His angels;
Praise Him, fall His heavenly armies!

3 Praise Him, sun and moon;
Praise Him, all stars of light!

4 Praise Him,
Lit heavens of heavens
hhighest heavens,
And the iwaters that are above the heavens!

5 They are to praise the name of the Lord,
For jHe commanded and they were created.

6 He has also kestablished them forever and ever;
He has made a ldecree, and it will not pass away.

7 Praise the Lord from the earth,
mSea monsters, and all the ocean ndepths;

8 oFire and hail, psnow and qclouds;
rStormy wind, sfulfilling His word;

9 tMountains and all hills;
Fruit utrees and all cedars;

10 vAnimals and all cattle;
wCrawling things and winged fowl;

11 xKings of the earth and all peoples;
Rulers and all judges of the earth;

12 Both young men and virgins;
Old men and children.

13 They are to praise the name of the Lord,
For His yname alone is exalted;
His zmajesty is above earth and heaven.

14 And He has aalifted up a horn for His people,
abPraise for all His godly ones,
For the sons of Israel, a people acnear to Him.
Or Hallelujah!
Heb Yah
the Lord!
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