Psalms 150

A Psalm of Praise.

Or Hallelujah!
Heb Yah
the Lord!
Praise God in His csanctuary;
Praise Him in His mighty
Or firmament; i.e., atmosphere and space

2 Praise Him for His fmighty deeds;
Praise Him according to His excellent ggreatness.

3 Praise Him with htrumpet sound;
Praise Him with iharp and lyre.

4 Praise Him with jtambourine and dancing;
Praise Him with kstringed instruments and lflute.

5 Praise Him with loud mcymbals;
Praise Him with resounding cymbals.

6 nEverything that has breath shall praise
Heb Yah
the Lord.
Or Hallelujah!
Heb Yah
the Lord!
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