Psalms 33

Praise to the Creator and Protector.

1 aSing for joy in the Lord, you righteous ones;
Praise is bbecoming to the upright.

2 Give thanks to the Lord with the clyre;
Sing praises to Him with a dharp of ten strings.

3 Sing to Him a enew song;
Play skillfully with fa shout of joy.

4 For the word of the Lord gis right,
And all His work is done hin faithfulness.

5 He iloves righteousness and justice;
The jearth is full of the goodness of the Lord.

6 By the kword of the Lord the heavens were made,
And lby the breath of His mouth mall their
Lit host; i.e., sun, stars, etc.

7 He gathers the owaters of the sea together
Some ancient versions in a water skin; i.e., container
as a heap;
He puts the depths in storehouses.

8 Let qall the earth fear the Lord;
Let all the inhabitants of the world rstand in awe of Him.

9 For sHe spoke, and it was done;
He commanded, and it
Or stood forth
stood firm.

10 The Lord unullifies the plan of nations;
He frustrates the plans of peoples.

11 The vplan of the Lord stands forever,
The wplans of His heart from generation to generation.

12 Blessed is the xnation whose God is the Lord,
The people He has ychosen for His own inheritance.

13 The Lord zlooks from heaven;
He aasees all the sons of mankind;

14 From abHis dwelling place He looks out
On all the inhabitants of the earth,

15 He who acfashions
Or their heart together
the hearts of them all,
He who aeunderstands all their works.

16 afThe king is not saved by a mighty army;
A warrior is not rescued by great strength.

17 A aghorse is a false hope for victory;
Nor does it rescue anyone by its great strength.

18 Behold, ahthe eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him,
On those who aiwait for His faithfulness,

19 To ajrescue their soul from death
And to keep them alive akin famine.

20 Our soul alwaits for the Lord;
He is our amhelp and our shield.

21 For our anheart rejoices in Him,
Because we trust in His holy name.

22 Let Your favor, Lord, be upon us,
Just as we have waited for You.
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