Psalms 59

Prayer for Rescue from Enemies.

For the music director; set to
Lit Do Not Destroy
Al-tashheth. A
Possibly Epigrammatic Poem or Atonement Psalm
Mikhtam of David,
1 Sam 19:11
when Saul sent men and they watched the house in order to kill him.

1 dRescue me from my enemies, my God;
Or May You put me in an inaccessibly high place
fSet me securely on high away from those who rise up against me.

2 Rescue me from gthose who practice injustice,
And save me from hmen of bloodshed.

3 For behold, they ihave
Or lain in wait
set an ambush for my
Lit soul
Or Strong
Fierce men mattack me,
nNot for my wrongdoing nor for my sin, Lord,

Lit Without guilt
pFor no guilt of mine, they run and take their stand against me.
qStir Yourself to
Lit meet
help me, and see!

5 You, sLord God of armies, the God of Israel,
Awake to
Lit visit
upunish all the nations;
vDo not be gracious to any who deal treacherously in wrongdoing. Selah

6 They wreturn at evening, they howl like a xdog,
And prowl around the city.

7 Behold, they ygush forth with their mouths;
zSwords are in their lips,
For, they say,aaWho hears?”

8 But You, Lord, ablaugh at them;
You acscoff at all the nations.

9 Because of
LXX, some mss and some ancient versions my strength (cf. v 17)
his aestrength I will watch for You,
For God is my afrefuge.

Many mss and some ancient versions The God of my faithfulness
My God ahin His faithfulness will meet me;
God will let me ailook triumphantly upon my enemies.

11 Do not kill them, ajor my people will forget;
Or Make them wander
alScatter them by Your power and bring them down,
Lord, amour shield.

Or The sin of their mouth is the word of their lips,
On account of the aosin of their mouths and the words of their lips,
May they even be apcaught in their pride,
And on account of aqcurses and lies which they tell.

Lit Bring to an end
asDestroy them in wrath,
Lit Bring to an end
destroy them so that they will no longer exist;
So that people may auknow that God
Or is Ruler
rules in Jacob,
To the ends of the earth. Selah

14 They awreturn at evening, they howl like a dog,
And prowl around the city.

15 They axwander about
Lit to eat
for food
Another reading is linger all night
murmur if they are not satisfied.

16 But as for me, I will basing of Your strength;
Yes, I will bbjoyfully sing of Your faithfulness in the bcmorning,
For You have been my bdrefuge
And a beplace of refuge on the day of my distress.

17 bfMy strength, I will sing praises to You;
For God is my bgrefuge, the
Lit God of my favor
God who shows me favor.
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