Psalms 6

Prayer for Mercy in Time of Trouble.

For the music director; with stringed instruments,
Or according to a lower octave (Heb Sheminith)
upon an eight-string lyre. A Psalm of David.

1 Lord, bdo not rebuke me in Your anger,
Nor discipline me in Your wrath.

2 Be gracious to me, Lord, for I am cfrail;
dHeal me, Lord, for emy bones are horrified.

3 And my fsoul is greatly horrified;
But You, Lord-- ghow long?

4 Return, Lord, hrescue my
Or life
Save me because of Your mercy.

5 For jthere is no
Or remembrance
mention of You in death;
I.e., the netherworld
Sheol, who will praise You?

6 I am mweary with my sighing;
Every night I make my bed swim,
I flood my couch with nmy tears.

7 My oeye has wasted away with grief;
It has grown old because of all my enemies.

8 pLeave me, all you who practice injustice,
For the Lord qhas heard the sound of my weeping.

9 The Lord rhas heard my pleading,
The Lord sreceives my prayer.

10 All my enemies will tbe put to shame and greatly horrified;
They shall
Or again be abruptly put to shame
turn back, they will vsuddenly be put to shame.
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