Zephaniah 1

Day of Judgment on Judah

1 The word of the Lord which came to Zephaniah son of Cushi, son of Gedaliah, son of Amariah, son of Hezekiah, in the days of aJosiah son of bAmon, king of Judah:
2 “I will completely cremove all things
From the face of the
Lit ground
earth,” declares the Lord.

3 “I will remove ehuman and animal life;
I will remove the fbirds of the sky
And the fish of the sea,
And the
Or stumbling blocks
hruins along with the wicked;
And I will eliminate mankind from the face of the
Lit ground
earth,” declares the Lord.

4 “So I will jstretch out My hand against Judah
And against all the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
And I will keliminate the remnant of Baal from this place,
And the names of the lidolatrous priests along with the other priests.

5 “And those who bow down on the mhousetops to the heavenly
Lit host; i.e., sun, stars, etc.
And those who bow down and oswear to the Lord, but also swear by
Or their king; MT Malcam, prob. a variant spelling of Milcom, the Ammonite god

6 And those who have rturned back from following the Lord,
And those who have snot sought the Lord nor inquired of Him.”

Lit Hush
uBe silent before the Lord
Heb YHWH, usually rendered Lord
For the wday of the Lord is near,
Because the Lord has prepared a xsacrifice,
He has yconsecrated His guests.

8 “Then it will come about on the day of the Lord’s sacrifice
That I will zpunish the princes, the king’s sons,
And all who clothe themselves with aaforeign garments.

9 “And on that day I will punish all who leap on the temple threshold,
Who fill the house of their
Or Lord
lord with acviolence and deceit.

10 “And on that day,” declares the Lord,
“There will be the sound of a cry from the adFish Gate,
Wailing from the
I.e., a district of Jerusalem
afSecond Quarter,
And a loud crash from the aghills.

11 “Wail, you inhabitants of the
I.e., a district of Jerusalem
Because all the
Or merchant people will
people of ajCanaan will be destroyed;
All who weigh out aksilver will be eliminated.

12 “And it will come about at that time
That I will alsearch Jerusalem with lamps,
And I will punish the people
Who are
Lit thickening on their dregs
anstagnant in spirit,
Who say in their hearts,
‘The Lord will aonot do good nor harm!’

13 “Their wealth will become applunder,
And their houses desolate;
Yes, aqthey will build houses but not inhabit them,
And plant vineyards but not drink their wine.”

14 The argreat asday of the Lord is near,
Near and coming very quickly;
Listen, the day of the Lord!
Lit There
In it the warrior aucries out bitterly.

15 That day is a day of anger,
A day of avtrouble and distress,
A day of destruction and desolation,
A day of awdarkness and gloom,
A day of clouds and thick darkness,

16 A day of axtrumpet and battle cry
Against the ayfortified cities
And the high corner towers.

17 I will bring azdistress on mankind
So that they will walk balike those who are blind,
Because they have sinned against the Lord;
And their bbblood will be poured out like dust,
And their bcflesh like dung.

18 Neither their bdsilver nor their gold
Will be able to save them
On the day of the Lord’s anger;
And beall the earth will be devoured
By the fire of His jealousy,
For He will bfmake a complete end,
Indeed a horrifying one,
Of all the inhabitants of the earth.
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