Habakkuk 1:6-10

6 “For behold, I am araising up the Chaldeans,
Lit bitter
grim and impetuous people
Who march
Lit the breadth of
throughout the earth,
To dtake possession of dwelling places that are not theirs.

7 “They are terrifying and efeared;
Their fjustice and
Lit sovereignty
Lit proceed from
originate with themselves.

8 “Their ihorses are faster than leopards,
And quicker than jwolves in the evening.
Or horses
horsemen charge along,
Or horses
horsemen come from afar;
They fly like an meagle
Lit hurrying to
swooping down to devour.

9 “All of them come for violence.
Lit The totality of
Their horde of pfaces moves forward.
They gather captives like sand.

10 “They qmake fun of kings,
And dignitaries are an object of laughter to them.
They rlaugh at every fortress,
Then sheap up dirt and
Or overthrow
capture it.
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