Isaiah 49:20-22

20 “The achildren
Lit of your bereavement
you lost will yet say in your ears,
‘The place is too cramped for me;
Make room for me that I may live here.

21 “Then you will csay in your heart,
Who has fathered these for me,
Since I have been bereaved of my children
And dcannot conceive, and I am an eexile, and a wanderer?
And who has raised these?
Behold, I was fleft alone;
Lit These, where are they?
hWhere are these from?’”

22 This is what the Lord
Heb YHWH, usually rendered Lord
God says:
Behold, I will lift up My hand to the nations
And set up My jflag to the peoples;
And they will kbring your sons
Lit on the chest
in their arms,
And your daughters will be carried on their shoulders.
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