Isaiah 59:4-8

4 aNo one sues righteously and bno one pleads
Lit in truth
They dtrust in confusion and speak lies;
They econceive trouble and give birth to disaster.

5 They hatch vipers’ eggs and fweave the spider’s web;
The one who eats of their eggs dies,
And from what is crushed, a snake breaks out.

6 Their webs will not become clothing,
Nor will they gcover themselves with their works;
Their hworks are works of wrongdoing,
And an iact of violence is in their
Lit palms

7 kTheir feet run to evil,
And they hurry to shed innocent blood;
lTheir thoughts are thoughts of wrongdoing,
Devastation and destruction are in their paths.

8 They do not know the mway of peace,
And there is nno justice in their tracks;
They have made their paths crooked,
oWhoever walks on
Lit it
them does not know peace.
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