Job 18:11-21

11 “All around asudden terrors frighten him,
And bharass him at every step.

12 “His strength is cfamished,
And disaster is ready at his side.

Another reading is His skin is devoured by illness
It devours parts of his skin,
The firstborn of death edevours his
Or parts

14 “He is gtorn from
Lit his tent his trust
the security of his tent,
Lit you march or she marches
they march him before the king of jterrors.

Another reading is Fire dwells in his tent
Nothing of his dwells in his tent;
lBrimstone is scattered on his home.

16 “His mroots are dried below,
And his nbranch withers above.

17oThe memory of him perishes from the earth,
And he has no name abroad.

Lit They drive him...And chase him
He is driven from light qinto darkness,
And rchased from the inhabited world.

19 “He has no soffspring or descendants among his people,
Nor any survivor where he resided.

20 “Those in the west are appalled at this
Lit day
And those in the east are seized with horror.

21 “Certainly these are the vdwellings of the wicked,
And this is the place of him who does not know God.”
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