Proverbs 29:2-12

2 When the arighteous
Or become great
increase, the people rejoice,
But when a wicked person rules, people groan.

3 A man who cloves wisdom makes his father glad,
But he who dinvolves himself with prostitutes wastes his wealth.

4 The eking gives stability to the land by justice,
But a person who takes bribes ruins it.

5 A man who fflatters his neighbor
Is spreading a net for his steps.

6 By wrongdoing an evil person is gensnared,
But the righteous hsings and rejoices.

7 The irighteous
Lit knows the cause
is concerned for the rights of the poor;
The wicked does not understand such
Lit knowledge

8 Arrogant people linflame a city,
But mwise people turn away anger.

9 When a wise person has a controversy with a foolish person,
Lit He
The foolish person either rages or laughs, and there is no rest.

10 People of obloodshed hate the blameless person,
But the upright
Lit seek his soul
are concerned for his life.

11 A qfool
Lit sends forth all his spirit
always loses his temper,
But a swise person holds it back.

12 If a truler pays attention to falsehood,
All his ministers become wicked.
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