Isaiah 5:22-30

22 Beware, those who are champions
tn The language used here is quite sarcastic and paves the way for the shocking description of the enemy army in vv. 25-30. The rich leaders of Judah are nothing but “party animals” who are totally incapable of withstanding real warriors.
at drinking,
who display great courage when mixing strong drinks.

23 They pronounce the guilty innocent for a payoff,
they ignore the just cause of the innocent.
tn Heb “and the just cause of the innocent ones they turn aside from him.”
sn In vv. 22-23 the prophet returns to themes with which he opened his speech. The accusatory elements of vv. 8, 11-12, 18-23 are arranged in a chiastic manner: (A) social injustice (8), (B) carousing (11-12a), (C) spiritual insensitivity (12b) // (C’) spiritual insensitivity (18-21), (B’) carousing (22), (A’) social injustice (23).

24 Therefore, as flaming fire
tn Heb “a tongue of fire” (so NASB), referring to a tongue-shaped flame.
devours straw
and dry grass disintegrates in the flames,
so their root will rot,
and their flower will blow away like dust.
sn They are compared to a flowering plant that withers quickly in a hot, arid climate.

For they have rejected the law of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies,
they have spurned the commands
tn Heb “the word.”
of the Holy One of Israel.
sn See the note on the phrase “the Holy One of Israel” in 1:4.

25 So the Lord is furious
tn Heb “the anger of the Lord rages.”
with his people;
he lifts
tn Or “extends”; KJV, ASV “he hath stretched forth.”
his hand and strikes them.
The mountains shake,
and corpses lie like manure
tn Or “garbage” (NCV, CEV, NLT); NAB, NASB, NIV “refuse.”
in the middle of the streets.
Despite all this, his anger does not subside,
and his hand is ready to strike again.
tn Heb “in all this his anger is not turned, and still his hand is outstretched.”

26 He lifts a signal flag for a distant nation,
tc The Hebrew text has literally, “for nations from a distance.” The following verses use singular forms to describe this nation, so the final mem (ם) on לְגּוֹיִם (legoyim) may be enclitic or dittographic. In the latter case one could read לְגוֹי מֵרָחוֹק (legoy merakhoq, “for a nation from a distance”; see Deut 28:49; Joel 3:8). Another possibility is to emend the text from לַגּוֹיִם מֵרָחוֹק (laggoyim merakhoq) to לְגוֹי מִמֶּרְחָק (legoy mimmerkhaq, “for a nation from a distant place”), a phrase which occurs in Jer 5:15. In this case an error of misdivision has occurred in MT, the mem of the prefixed preposition being accidentally taken as a plural ending on the preceding word.

he whistles for it to come from the far regions of the earth.
Look, they
tn Heb “he.” Singular forms are used throughout vv. 26-30 to describe this nation, but for stylistic reasons the translation uses the plural for these collective singulars.
come quickly and swiftly.

27 None tire or stumble,
they don’t stop to nap or sleep.
They don’t loosen their belts
or unstrap their sandals to rest.
tn Heb “and the belt on his waist is not opened, and the thong of his sandals is not torn in two.”

28 Their arrows are sharpened,
and all their bows are prepared.
tn Heb “bent” (so KJV, NAB, NASB, NRSV); NIV “are strung.”

The hooves of their horses are hard as flint,
tn Heb “regarded like flint.”

and their chariot wheels are like a windstorm.
sn They are like a windstorm in their swift movement and in the way they kick up dust.

29 Their roar is like a lion’s;
they roar like young lions.
They growl and seize their prey;
they drag it away and no one can come to the rescue.

30 At that time
tn Or “in that day” (KJV).
they will growl over their prey,
tn Heb “over it”; the referent (the prey) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

it will sound like sea waves crashing against rocks.
tn Heb “like the growling of the sea.”

One will look out over the land and see the darkness of disaster,
clouds will turn the light into darkness.
tn Heb “and one will gaze toward the land, and look, darkness of distress, and light will grow dark by its [the land’s?] clouds.”
sn The motif of light turning to darkness is ironic when compared to v. 20. There the sinners turn light (= moral/ethical good) to darkness (= moral/ethical evil). Now ironically the Lord will turn light (= the sinners’ sphere of existence and life) into darkness (= the judgment and death).
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