1 Kings 5:11

11and Solomon supplied Hiram annually with 20,000 cors
sn As a unit of dry measure a cor was roughly equivalent to six bushels.
of wheat as provision for his royal court,
tn Heb “his house.”
as well as 120,000 gallons
tc The Hebrew text has “twenty cors,” but the ancient Greek version and the parallel text in 2 Chr 2:10 read “20,000 baths.”
sn A bath was a liquid measure roughly equivalent to six gallons (about 22 liters), so this was a quantity of about 120,000 gallons (440,000 liters).
of pure
tn Or “pressed.”
olive oil.
tn Heb “and Solomon supplied Hiram with 20,000 cors of wheat…pure olive oil. So Solomon would give to Hiram year by year.”
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