Acts 17:26-31

26From one man
sn The one man refers to Adam (the word “man” is understood).
he made every nation of the human race
tn Or “mankind.” BDAG 276 s.v. ἔθνος 1 has “every nation of humankind Ac 17:26.”
to inhabit the entire earth,
tn Grk “to live over all the face of the earth.”
determining their set times
tn BDAG 884-85 s.v. προστάσσω has “(οἱ) προστεταγμένοι καιροί (the) fixed times Ac 17:26” here, but since the following phrase is also translated “fixed limits,” this would seem redundant in English, so the word “set” has been used instead.
and the fixed limits of the places where they would live,
tn Grk “the boundaries of their habitation.” L&N 80.5 has “fixed limits of the places where they would live” for this phrase.
27so that they would search for God and perhaps grope around
tn See BDAG 1097-98 s.v. ψηλαφάω, which lists “touch, handle” and “to feel around for, grope for” as possible meanings.
for him and find him,
sn Perhaps grope around for him and find him. The pagans’ struggle to know God is the point here. Conscience alone is not good enough.
though he is
tn The participle ὑπάρχοντα (huparchonta) has been translated as a concessive adverbial participle.
not far from each one of us.
28For in him we live and move about
tn According to L&N 15.1, “A strictly literal translation of κινέω in Ac 17:28 might imply merely moving from one place to another. The meaning, however, is generalized movement and activity; therefore, it may be possible to translate κινούμεθα as ‘we come and go’ or ‘we move about’ or even ‘we do what we do.’”
and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we too are his offspring.’
sn This quotation is from Aratus (ca. 310-245 b.c.), Phaenomena 5. Paul asserted a general relationship and accountability to God for all humanity.
29So since we are God’s offspring, we should not think the deity
tn Or “the divine being.” BDAG 446 s.v. θεῖος 1.b has “divine being, divinity” here.
is like gold or silver or stone, an image
tn Or “a likeness.” Again idolatry is directly attacked as an affront to God and a devaluation of him.
made by human
tn Grk “by the skill and imagination of man,” but ἀνθρώπου (anthrōpou) has been translated as an attributive genitive.
tn Or “craftsmanship” (cf. BDAG 1001 s.v. τέχνη).
and imagination.
tn Or “thought.” BDAG 336 s.v. ἐνθύμησις has “thought, reflection, idea” as the category of meaning here, but in terms of creativity (as in the context) the imaginative faculty is in view.
30Therefore, although God has overlooked
tn Or “has deliberately paid no attention to.”
such times of ignorance,
tn Or “times when people did not know.”
he now commands all people
tn Here ἀνθρώποις (anthrōpois) has been translated as a generic noun (“people”).
everywhere to repent,
sn He now commands all people everywhere to repent. God was now asking all mankind to turn to him. No nation or race was excluded.
31because he has set
tn Or “fixed.”
a day on which he is going to judge the world
sn The world refers to the whole inhabited earth.
in righteousness, by a man whom he designated,
tn Or “appointed.” BDAG 723 s.v. ὁρίζω 2.b has “of persons appoint, designate, declare: God judges the world ἐν ἀνδρὶ ᾧ ὥρισεν through a man whom he has appointed Ac 17:31.”
sn A man whom he designated. Jesus is put in the position of eschatological judge. As judge of the living and the dead, he possesses divine authority (Acts 10:42).
having provided proof to everyone by raising
tn The participle ἀναστήσας (anastēsas) indicates means here.
him from the dead.”
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