Exodus 28:6-39

6 “They are to make the ephod of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twisted linen, the work of an artistic designer. 7It is to have two shoulder pieces attached to two of its corners, so it can be joined together.
tn Here the Pual perfect with the vav (ו) consecutive provides the purpose clause (equal to a final imperfect); the form follows the use of the active participle, “attached” or more Heb “joining.”
8The artistically woven waistband
tn This is the rendering of the word חֵשֶׁב (kheshev), cognate to the word translated “designer” in v. 6. Since the entire ephod was of the same material, and this was of the same piece, it is unclear why this is singled out as “artistically woven.” Perhaps the word is from another root that just describes the item as a “band.” Whatever the connection, this band was to be of the same material, and the same piece, as the ephod, but perhaps a different pattern (S. R. Driver, Exodus, 301). It is this sash that attaches the ephod to the priest’s body, that is, at the upper border of the ephod and clasped together at the back.
of the ephod that is on it is to be like it, of one piece with the ephod,
tn Heb “from it” but meaning “of one [the same] piece”; the phrase “the ephod” has been supplied.
of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twisted linen.

9 “You are to take two onyx stones and engrave on them the names of the sons of Israel,
tn Although this is normally translated “Israelites,” here a more literal translation is clearer because it refers to the names of the twelve tribes—the actual sons of Israel.
tn This is in apposition to the direct object of the verb “engrave.” It further defines how the names were to be engraved—six on one and the other six on the other.
of their names on one stone, and the six remaining names on the second stone, according to the order of their birth.
tn Heb “according to their begettings” (the major word in the book of Genesis). What is meant is that the names would be listed in the order of their ages.
11You are to engrave the two stones with the names of the sons of Israel with the work of an engraver in stone, like the engravings of a seal;
sn Expert stone or gem engravers were used to engrave designs and names in identification seals of various sizes. It was work that skilled artisans did.
you are to have them set
tn Or “you will mount them” (NRSV similar).
in gold filigree settings.
tn Or “rosettes,” shield-like frames for the stones. The Hebrew word means “to plait, checker.”
12You are to put the two stones on the shoulders of the ephod, stones of memorial for the sons of Israel, and Aaron will bear their names before the Lord on his two shoulders for a memorial.
sn This was to be a perpetual reminder that the priest ministers on behalf of the twelve tribes of Israel. Their names would always be borne by the priests.
13You are to make filigree settings of gold 14and two braided chains of pure gold, like a cord, and attach the chains to the settings.

15 “You are to make a breastpiece for use in making decisions,
tn Heb “a breastpiece of decision” (חֹשֶׁן מִשְׁפָּט, khoshen mishpat; so NAB). The first word, rendered “breastpiece,” is of uncertain etymology. This item was made of material similar to the ephod. It had four rows of three gems on it, bearing the names of the tribes. In it were the urim and thummim. J. P. Hyatt refers to a similar object found in the Egyptian reliefs, including even the twisted gold chains used to hang it from the priest (Exodus [NCBC], 282).
the work of an artistic designer; you are to make it in the same fashion as the ephod; you are to make it of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twisted linen.
16It is to be square
tn Heb “four.”
tn “when” is added for clarification (U. Cassuto, Exodus, 375).
doubled, nine inches
tn The word זֶרֶת (zeret) is half a cubit; it is often translated “span.”
long and nine inches wide.
17You are to set in it a setting for stones, four rows of stones, a row with a ruby, a topaz, and a beryl—the first row; 18and the second row, a turquoise, a sapphire, and an emerald; 19and the third row, a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst; 20and the fourth row, a chrysolite, an onyx, and a jasper.
sn U. Cassuto (Exodus, 375-76) points out that these are the same precious stones mentioned in Ezek 28:13 that were to be found in Eden, the garden of God. So the priest, when making atonement, was to wear the precious gems that were there and symbolized the garden of Eden when man was free from sin.
They are to be enclosed in gold in their filigree settings.
21The stones are to be for the names of the sons of Israel, twelve, according to the number of
tn For clarity the words “the number of” have been supplied.
their names. Each name according to the twelve tribes is to be like
tn The phrase translated “the engravings of a seal” is an adverbial accusative of manner here.
the engravings of a seal.

22 “You are to make for the breastpiece braided chains like cords of pure gold, 23and you are to make for the breastpiece two gold rings and attach
tn Heb “give, put.”
the two rings to the upper
tn Here “upper” has been supplied.
two ends of the breastpiece.
24You are to attach the two gold chains to the two rings at the ends of the breastpiece; 25the other
tn Here “the other” has been supplied.
two ends of the two chains you will attach to the two settings and then attach them
tn Here “them” has been supplied.
to the shoulder pieces of the ephod at the front of it.
26You are to make two rings of gold and put them on the other
tn Here “other” has been supplied.
two ends of the breastpiece, on its edge that is on the inner side of the ephod.
27You are to make two more
tn Here “more” has been supplied.
gold rings and attach them to the bottom of the two shoulder pieces on the front of the ephod, close to the juncture above the waistband of the ephod.
28They are to tie the breastpiece by its rings to the rings of the ephod by blue cord, so that it may be above the waistband of the ephod, and so that the breastpiece will not be loose from the ephod. 29Aaron will bear the names of the sons of Israel in the breastpiece of decision over his heart
sn So Aaron will have the names of the tribes on his shoulders (v. 12) which bear the weight and symbol of office (see Isa 9:6; 22:22), and over his heart (implying that they have a constant place in his thoughts [Deut 6:6]). Thus he was to enter the presence of God as the nation’s representative, ever mindful of the nation’s interests, and ever bringing the remembrance of it before God (S. R. Driver, Exodus, 306).
when he goes into the Holy Place, for a memorial before the Lord continually.

30 “You are to put the Urim and the Thummim
sn The Urim and the Thummim were two objects intended for determining the divine will. There is no clear evidence of their size or shape or the material of which they were made, but they seem to have been familiar items to Moses and the people. The best example of their use comes from 1 Sam 14:36-42. Some have suggested from the etymologies that they were light and dark objects respectively, perhaps stones or sticks or some other object. They seem to have fallen out of use after the Davidic period when the prophetic oracles became popular. It may be that the title “breastpiece of judgment” indicates that these objects were used for making “decisions” (J. P. Hyatt, Exodus [NCBC], 283-84). U. Cassuto has the most thorough treatment of the subject (Exodus, 378-82); he lists several very clear rules for their uses gathered from their instances in the Bible, including that they were a form of sacred lot, that priests or leaders of the people only could use them, and that they were used for discovering the divine will in areas that were beyond human knowledge.
into the breastpiece of decision; and they are to be over Aaron’s heart when he goes in before the Lord. Aaron is to bear the decisions
tn Or “judgment” (KJV, ASV, NASB, NRSV). The term is מִשְׁפָּט (mishpat), the same word that describes the breastpiece that held the two objects. Here it is translated “decisions” since the Urim and Thummim contained in the breastpiece represented the means by which the Lord made decisions for the Israelites. The high priest bore the responsibility of discerning the divine will on matters of national importance.
of the Israelites over his heart before the Lord continually.

31 “You are to make the robe
tn The מְעִיל (meʿil), according to S. R. Driver (Exodus, 307), is a long robe worn over the ephod, perhaps open down the front, with sleeves. It is made of finer material than ordinary cloaks because it was to be worn by people in positions of rank.
of the ephod completely blue.
32There is to be an opening
tn Heb “mouth” or “opening” (פִּי, pi; in construct).
in its top
tn The “mouth of its head” probably means its neck; it may be rendered “the opening for the head,” except the pronominal suffix would have to refer to Aaron, and that is not immediately within the context.
in the center of it, with an edge all around the opening, the work of a weaver,
tn Or “woven work” (KJV, ASV, NASB), that is, “the work of a weaver.” The expression suggests that the weaving was from the fabric edges itself and not something woven and then added to the robe. It was obviously intended to keep the opening from fraying.
like the opening of a collar,
tn The expression כְּפִי תַחְרָא (kefi takhraʾ) is difficult. It was early rendered “like the opening of a coat of mail.” It occurs only here and in the parallel 39:23. Tg. Onq. has “coat of mail.” S. R. Driver suggests “a linen corselet,” after the Greek (Exodus, 308). See J. Cohen, “A Samaritan Authentication of the Rabbinic Interpretation of kephi tahraʾ,” VT 24 (1974): 361-66.
so that it cannot be torn.
tn The verb is the Niphal imperfect, here given the nuance of potential imperfect. Here it serves in a final clause (purpose/result), introduced only by the negative (see GKC 503-4 §165.a).
33You are to make pomegranates
sn This must mean round balls of yarn that looked like pomegranates. The fruit was very common in the land, but there is no indication of the reason for its choice here. Pomegranates are found in decorative schemes in Ugarit, probably as signs of fertility. It may be that here they represent the blessing of God on Israel in the land. The bells that are between them possibly have the intent of drawing God’s attention as the priest moves and the bells jingle (anthropomorphic, to be sure), or that the people would know that the priest was still alive and moving inside. Some have suggested that the pomegranate may have recalled the forbidden fruit eaten in the garden (the gems already have referred to the garden), the reason for the priest entering for atonement, and the bells would divert the eye (of God) to remind him of the need. This is possible but far from supportable, since nothing is said of the reason, nor is the fruit in the garden identified.
of blue, purple, and scarlet all around its hem
tn The text repeats the idea: “you will make for its hem…all around its hem.”
and bells of gold between them all around.
34The pattern is to be
tn The words “the pattern is to be” are not in the Hebrew text, but are supplied in the translation for clarity and for stylistic reasons.
a gold bell and a pomegranate, a gold bell and a pomegranate, all around the hem of the robe.
35The robe
tn Heb “it”; the referent (the robe) has been specified in the translation for clarity.
is to be on Aaron as he ministers,
tn The form is a Piel infinitive construct with the preposition ל (lamed): “to minister” or “to serve.” It may be taken epexegetically here, “while serving,” although S. R. Driver takes it as a purpose, “in order that he may minister” (Exodus, 308). The point then would be that he dare not enter into the Holy Place without wearing it.
and his sound will be heard
sn God would hear the bells and be reminded that this priest was in his presence representing the nation and that the priest had followed the rules of the sanctuary by wearing the appropriate robes with their attachments.
when he enters the Holy Place before the Lord and when he leaves, so that he does not die.

36 “You are to make a plate
tn The word צִּיץ (tsits) seems to mean “a shining thing” and so here a plate of metal. It originally meant “flower,” but they could not write on a flower. So it must have the sense of something worn openly, visible, and shining. The Rabbinic tradition says it was two fingers wide and stretched from ear to ear, but this is an attempt to give details that the Law does not give (see B. Jacob, Exodus, 818).
of pure gold and engrave on it the way a seal is engraved:
tn Heb “the engravings of a seal”; this phrase is an adverbial accusative of manner.
Holiness to the Lord.’
sn The engraving was a perpetual reminder of the holiness that was due the Lord (Heb “Yahweh”), that all the clothing, the furnishings, and the activities were to come under that description. This corresponded to the symbolism for the whole nation of binding the law between the eyes. It was to be a perpetual reminder of commitment.
37You are to attach to it a blue cord so that it will be
tn The verb is the perfect tense with the vav (ו) consecutive; it follows the same at the beginning of the verse. Since the first verb is equal to the imperfect of instruction, this could be as well, but it is more likely to be subordinated to express the purpose of the former.
on the turban; it is to be
tn Heb “it will be,” an instruction imperfect.
on the front of the turban.
38It will be on Aaron’s forehead, and Aaron will bear the iniquity of the holy things,
tn The construction “the iniquity of the holy things” is difficult. “Holy things” is explained in the passage by all the gifts the people bring and consecrate to Yahweh. But there will inevitably be iniquity involved. U. Cassuto explains that Aaron “will atone for all the transgressions committed in connection with the order of the service, the purity of the consecrated things, or the use of the holy gifts, for the declaration engraved on the plate will prove that everything was intended to be holy to the Lord, and if aught was done irregularly, the intention at least was good” (Exodus, 385).
which the Israelites are to sanctify by all their holy gifts;
tn The clause reads: “according to/by all the gifts of their holiness.” The genitive is an attributive genitive, the suffix on it referring to the whole bound construction—“their holy gifts.” The idea of the line is that the people will consecrate as holy things gifts they bring to the sanctuary.
it will always be on his forehead, for their acceptance
tn This clause is the infinitive construct with the preposition ל (lamed), followed by the prepositional phrase: “for acceptance for them.” This infinitive provides the purpose or result of the act of wearing the dedicatory frontlet—that they will be acceptable.
before the Lord.
39You are to weave
tn It is difficult to know how to translate וְשִׁבַּצְתָּ (veshibbatsta); it is a Piel perfect with the vav (ו) consecutive, and so equal to the imperfect of instruction. Some have thought that this verb describes a type of weaving and that the root may indicate that the cloth had something of a pattern to it by means of alternate weaving of the threads. It was the work of a weaver (39:27) and not so detailed as certain other fabrics (26:1), but it was more than plain weaving (S. R. Driver, Exodus, 310). Here, however, it may be that the fabric is assumed to be in existence and that the action has to do with sewing (C. Houtman, Exodus, 3:475, 517).
the tunic of fine linen and make the turban of fine linen, and make the sash the work of an embroiderer.
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