Galatians 2:2

2I went there
tn Grk “I went up”; one always spoke idiomatically of going “up” to Jerusalem.
because of
tn Or “in accordance with.” According to BDAG 512 s.v. κατά B.5.a.δ, “Oft. the norm is at the same time the reason, so that in accordance with and because of are merged…Instead of ‘in accordance w.’ κ. can mean simply because of, as a result of, on the basis ofκ. ἀποκάλυψιν Gal 2:2.”
a revelation and presented
tn Or “set before them.”
to them the gospel that I preach among the Gentiles. But I did so
tn Grk “Gentiles, but only privately…to make sure.” Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, a new sentence was started with “But” and the words “I did so,” an implied repetition from the previous clause, were supplied to make a complete English sentence.
only in a private meeting with the influential people,
tn L&N 87.42 has “important persons, influential persons, prominent persons” for οἱ δοκοῦντες and translates this phrase in Gal 2:2 as “in a private meeting with the prominent persons.” The “prominent people” referred to here are the leaders of the Jerusalem church.
to make sure that I was not runningor had not run
tn Here the first verb (τρέχω, trechō, “was not running”) is present subjunctive, while the second (ἔδραμον, edramon, “had not run”) is aorist indicative.
in vain.
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