John 2:16

16To those who sold the doves he said, “Take these things away from here! Do not make
tn Or (perhaps) “Stop making.”
my Father’s house a marketplace!”
tn Or “a house of merchants” (an allusion to Zech 14:21).
sn A marketplace. Zech 14:20-21, in context, is clearly a picture of the messianic kingdom. The Hebrew word translated “Canaanite” may also be translated “merchant” or “trader.” Read in this light, Zech 14:21 states that there will be no merchant in the house of the Lord in that day (the day of the Lord, at the establishment of the messianic kingdom). And what would Jesus’ words (and actions) in cleansing the temple have suggested to the observers? That Jesus was fulfilling messianic expectations would have been obvious—especially to the disciples, who had just seen the miracle at Cana with all its messianic implications.
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