1 Corinthians 1:2

Unto the church of God. This designation of the church appears oftener than any other in the New Testament.

To them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus. All of "the church of God at Corinth" were "sanctified in Christ Jesus"; that is, they were set apart from the world and consecrated to God. All Christians are "sanctified" in the sense of the term in the New Testament, and "called to be saints". The humblest Christian is a saint, as well as Peter or Paul.

With all that in every place. The letter is intended for all Christians, as well as for those at Corinth.

Call upon the name of Jesus Christ. Recognize him as their divine Savior.

Both theirs and ours. The Lord of the saints everywhere as well as ours (1Co 8:6 Eph 4:5). Since there is only one Lord and Master, all Christians should be brethren.
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