1 John 4:1-2

Trying the Spirits SUMMARY OF I JOHN 4: How to Distinguish the Spirits of Truth and Error. Love a Proof That We Are Born of God. God's Great Love for Us. How We Secure the Indwelling of God. How Love Is Made Perfect.

Believe not every spirit. The last chapter has closed concerning the Spirit, but some are moved by other spirits than that of Christ.

But try the spirits whether they are of God. Test the spirit that moves teachers and see whether it be of God. 1Jo 4:2 tells how to test.

Because many false prophets are gone out into the world. There were many false teachers in that age as well as in ours, and some claimed to be inspired.
Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come . . . is of

God. He who confesses from the heart that Christ has come in the flesh shows that he has the Spirit of God.

In the flesh. One of the heresies was that Christ had come but that there had been no incarnation.
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