Galatians 4:19-21

My little children. He addresses them very tenderly as their spiritual parent.

Of whom I travail in birth again. He is more than a father; he travails for them as a mother. He had done so when they were converted; he did not now again

Until Christ be formed in you. Until they were so matured in Christ that they would cling to the gospel.
I desire to be present with you now. When present they had shown warm feeling for him (Ga 4:18). He would now that they were face to face.

To change my voice. To speak, not severely, as a letter would sound, but tenderly.

I stand in doubt of you. Is perplexed by what he hears, and filled with fears.
Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law. What troubled him was their tendency to accept the obsolete law of Moses. He now addressed all such a question.

Do ye not hear the law? Will they hear the law itself?
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