Hebrews 2:1

The Superiority of the New Dispensation SUMMARY OF HEBREWS 2: The Danger of Neglecting the Great Salvation; the Salvation. Offered by Christ. The Superiority of Christ to the Angels Further Shown. Christ, the Divine Man, Put Over All Things. Fitted to Be Our Savior by Taking Upon Himself Humanity; and by. Suffering. Hence, He Took Not the Nature of Angels, but Became the Seed. of Abraham. He, a Tempted and Suffering Savior, Can Succor Us Who Suffer and. Are Tempted.

Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed. Because the message to us is spoken, not by angels or prophets, but by the Son of God.

To the things which we have heard. To Christ's gospel, and to his words of instruction.

Lest at any time we should let [them] slip. Lest we should let them slip from us because we drift away from them and refuse to heed them.
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