John 6:5-14

Gather up the fragments that remain. God does not allow wastefulness. Nature wastes nothing, not an ounce of matter. It is the waste of man that causes want. There is food enough for all. The waste of our nation is appalling;--$800,000,000 per year in liquor; $200,000,000 on tobacco, besides all the extravagance of life. Christ bids us save; save the fragments. It is by wasting the fragments that the great wastes occurs. This is of a truth that prophet. The long expected prophet, foretold in De 18:15,16, and referred to by the delegation sent to visit John the Baptist (Joh 1:21). This expected prophet was to be the king of Israel, the head of the kingdom of God on the earth. In other words, they said: "This is the Christ".
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