Luke 10:25-28

The parable of the Good Samaritan, as well as that of the Prodigal Son and Lazarus and Dives, are given only by Luke.

A certain lawyer. One versed in the Jewish law, a theologian, a scribe, and possibly a rabbi.

Tempted him. Put him to trial.

What shall I do to inherit eternal life? He probably had noted that Jesus was calling sinners to repentance, but he fancied that he belonged to another class, and hence asks, "What shall I do"?
What is written? The Lord calls on the lawyer to state his own understanding of the law. Thou shalt love the Lord. The lawyer answered well and gave the sum of the whole law. See De 6:4-5 Le 19:18. This do, and thou shalt live. He who fulfills the great law of love is born again. There is no inconsistency. We "repent" and live, "believe" and live, "obey" and live, and "love" and live. For these are all co-related. One cannot exist without the others. We cannot love God unless we believe and repent. "He that loves me will keep my words" (Joh 14:23).
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