Mark 1:1-8

The Beginning of the Ministry of Christ SUMMARY OF MARK 1: The Mission of John the Baptist. His Preaching in the Wilderness. His Baptism in the Jordan. The Baptism of Jesus and the Anointing. The Temptation. Christ's Ministry in Galilee Begun. The Call of Four Apostles. An Unclean Spirit Cast Out. The Increased Fame of Jesus. Peter's Wife's Mother. Solitary Prayer. Preaching Throughout Galilee. Healing the Leper.

The beginning, etc. This is a sort of title. The whole history of Jesus is an unfolding of the gospel.

Gospel. Good news.

Jesus. The personal name given by the angel (Mt 1:21), meaning "Savior".

Christ. The official title of the Lord. It means "the anointed". Kings and priests were anointed in Israel, and Jesus, "the Lord's Anointed" (see 1Sa 24:10) is our Priest and King. They were anointed with oil; Jesus with the Holy Spirit (Ac 10:38).
As it is written in the prophets. Isa 40:3 Mal 3:1. See notes on Mt 3:3 11:10. John did baptize in the wilderness. For account of the wilderness and John the Baptist, see PNT Mt 3:1.

And preach the baptism of repentance. He preached, as well as baptized. Only those who repented were fit subjects of baptism. Hence it was called "the baptism of repentance". Repentance signifies not only sorrow for sin, but the resolve to sin no more.

For the remission of sins. This indicates the object of repentance and baptism. Those who repented and were baptized were pardoned. Both were needful to remission. Compare Ac 2:38.
There went out unto him. See notes on Mt 3:5,6. John was clothed with camel's hair.

See PNT Mt 3:4.
There cometh one . . . after me.

See PNT Mt 3:11.
He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.

See PNT Mt 3:11.
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